rev river kayak

The SC Revolutionary Rivers Trail follows the scenic Lynches River from Lynches River

County Park to the cypress and tupelo laden stomping grounds of Revolutionary War hero
General Francis Marion. The fact that Marion and his band of militia could simply disappear
into the cypress swamplands earned him the name of the Swamp Fox.

Coordinated through Florence CVB, the sixty mile trail offers paddlers an unique experience of floating through swampland that
was once traversed by Patriots engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Loyalists. The trail also features a series of short excursions and overnight rustic camping opportunities. For a list of outfitters who can provide guided tours, click here. Self-guided driving tours are also set up for you here.

For more information, please contact
Florence Convention and Visitors Bureau
3290 W. Radio Dr.
Florence, SC 29501
(843) 664-0330
Open Daily